Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Make your own cupcake stand

I've just seen this idea for a gift on a beautiful blog called Giver's Log which features some fantastic ideas and some amazing tutorials. I adore cupcake stands and I think I'm going to be lucky enough to own a Wedgewood Polka Dot Tea Story stand post wedding, but I think it would be so lovely to be able to own a completely unique stand, and if I had a drill I'd be straight on with making this.

Picture from


  1. ooh cute!

    I have a dear friend:
    who has made lots of ones like this out of white thrifted places and vases but I love the prints and colours of these dishes.

    how perfect for an afternoon party :)

  2. I know! I thought about making one of these for my own wedding but with making ties, buting etc I thought I might tip myself over the edge. Perhaps post wedding with a free summer it might be a better idea ;)
